Min hyllning till dig, Michael Joseph Jackson

He started with ABC, like any other normal child.
But he was different.
He Thrilled the world.
He made HIStory.
He was Bad.
And he got more Dangerous.
But somehow,
he was always
Long live the King of Pop - the worlds greatest artist of all time.
I want you back, Michael Jackson!
Skrivet av av: MATHILDAPHOTO

Väldigt fint skrivet :')

Long live the King of Music!

Datum: 2011-06-15 Tid: 16:36:12
Hemsida: http://mathildaphoto.blogg.se/
Skrivet av av: laura

fin text, fin bild, fint! :)

Datum: 2011-06-16 Tid: 19:55:29
Hemsida: http://lauraf.blogg.se/

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